Flood Propagation


Term: 2nd year, 1st Semester


CFU: 6


Duration and Scheduleavailable here

Office hours: Tuesday 10-12 or by appointment



The course aims at illustrating the classical models used in flood propagation studies, both from the mathematical and from the numerical point of view. The course will consist of lectures to illustrate the theory and practical sessions where the emphasis is on applications and problem solving. During practical sessions the ORSADEM computer code will be used. Each subject is illustrated with the support of experimental and observational evidences, mathematical modelling and well-documented case histories from major floods worldwide drawn from the experience of the instructor



Introduction: steady and unsteady flow, uniform and varied flow, pipe flow vs open channel flow De Sant Venant equations (1d), divergent and non-divergent form, supplementary terms and coefficients. Initial and boundary conditions. Discontinuous solutions: Bores Simple wave, Dam break waves. Regulations on Dam safety. Simplified channel flow equations. Numerical solution of the unsteady flow equations; method of characteristics, explicit and implicit finite differences methods, numerical integration schemes: predictor corrector, flux splitting, upwind and downwind; accuracy of the numerical method, stability analysis.

Shallow water equations (2D), mesh generation (structured/non structured), simulation of flow in natural streams ,1D versus 2D models, topological and hydraulic discretization, some computational problems in rivers and floodplains, flooded area mapping techniques. Models calibration and data needs. Flood wave propagation through hydraulic singularities. Review of 1D, 2D and coupled 1D/2D flood propagation models.

Introduction to the use of ORSADEM code; application to a case study


Basic knowledge of hydraulics



  • B. Abbott (1979). Computational Hydraulics. Pitman Publ. Inc, London
  • T. Chow (1959). Open Channel Hydraulics Mac Graw Hill Book , New York
  • A. Cunge, F.M. Holly, & A.Vervey (1980). Practical aspects of Computational River Hydraulics. Pitman Publ. Inc, London
  • W. Sturm. (2001). Open Channel Hydraulics, Mc Graw Hill, Singapore
  • Course notes, scientific articles and other material will be provided during the course.



Assignments will be handed over and graded during the course. The final examination will consist of an oral exam where the discussion of the practical lessons will be performed. Grading: 40% assignments, 60% final exam.


Instructor: Gabriella Petaccia: official webpage and CV








Institution: DICAR (UNIPV)

E-mail: petaccia@unipv.it

Voice:  +39 0382 985308

Fax:     +39 0382 985589

Skype: gabriella.petaccia

Bio: Gabriella Petaccia received the M.S. degree in Environmental Engineering in 2000 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Ph.D. degree in 2004 in Civil Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy. Since 2007 she is Professor Assistant at the Civil and Architecture Department of the University of Pavia.

She has been author and co-author of 14 journal referred papers and 36+ papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings/book chapters (160+) citations. She teaches the Flood propagation and the Hydraulic Measurements Course at the Ciivil and Environmental Engineering Course.

The main research interests lie in the hydraulic risk assessment, the development of models for the propagation of natural and artificial flood waves, wood debris transport.