Nonlinear Response Analysis

Major: ROSE

Term: 2nd Semester – Academic Year 2023-2024

Instructor: Prof. R. Wiebe

Institution: University of Washington

CFU: 6


Duration: From 12.06.2024 to 11.07.2024.

01.07.2024 to 04.07.2024 (class paused – WCEE in Milan) 

Classroom: EUCENTRE and IUSS Broletto (see here)

Schedule and Syllabus: link

Office hours: on appointment



The main goal of the course is to provide students with skills that can be applied to both research and practice for analysing structures under earthquake loads. The class will focus on the theory of linear and nonlinear structural analysis, with particular emphasis on available computational models, their characteristics and limitations. Modelling alternatives and their effect on the model output will be discussed. The course will present linear and nonlinear methods of analysis prescribed by the seismic design codes and available in the published literature.
The final goal is to leave attendees with a firm idea of the importance of the modelling assumptions and the methods of analyses that are used to analyse a structure mainly with respect to the actual behaviours of structures under seismic loads.