
The admission to the MSc programme is divided in two stages: application and enrolment.

During the first stage, a verification that the applicant fulfills the needed requirements is carried out. Depending on the previous degree (Italian or foreign) and the corresponding final grade, the applicant may be automatically admitted (and proceed to the enrolment) or need to go through a pre-evaluation process.

Should pre-evaluation be necessary, the application will be assessed by the Selection Committee. Further information about deadlines and application calendar is avaialble here. If the assessment result is favourable, the applicant is admitted to the programme and can proceed to the enrolment (details here).

Important notice for applicants holding a foreign degree

Applicants holding a degree from non-EU country (excluding Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and San Marino) need to submit, in addition to the regular application described above, a request for pre-enrolment application at an Italian diplomatic authority in their country. The deadline to submit this request is usually at the beginning of Summer time. Please check with the Italian authorities in your Country about the deadlines.


University of Pavia
Faculty of Engineering
Via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy

IUSS Pavia Graduate Office
Piazza della Vittoria, 15, 27100 Pavia, Italy