Masonry Structures

Curriculum: ROSE

Term: 2ndyear, 1st semester

Syllabus: available here

CFU: 6


Duration and Scheduleavailable here

Office hours: by appointment



The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to materials, construction practices, structural behavior, analytical methods, and typical code requirements for the seismic design of new masonry buildings and the seismic evaluation and retrofit/rehabilitation of existing ones.


Theoretical lectures will be complemented by tutorials (aiming at the practical application of the concepts and methods developed during the lectures) and the topics that will be discussed in the course are reported in the following.

Course contents

Introduction to masonry construction, historical overview. Properties of masonry materials: brick, block, stone, mortar, grout and reinforcement. Mechanics of masonry in compression: failure theories, compressive strength, elastic modulus. Behavior of masonry walls subjected to lateral forces and their role in building structural systems excited by vertical, by wind and by earthquake loading. Unreinforced masonry walls: vertical and transverse loadings, failure mechanisms, capacity models. Masonry building systems: overall conception and layout, analysis under vertical and under horizontal loading; role of floor diaphragms. Linear vs. nonlinear analysis. Reinforced masonry walls and buildings: behaviour, design, detailing of reinforcement. Confined masonry. Assessment and rehabilitation of existing masonry buildings: discussion of the main features of existing building stocks, sources of vulnerability, knowledge and survey of the structure, methods of analysis, performance criteria. Strategies and techniques for seismic rehabilitation/retrofitting.



Prof. G. Magenes: official webpage and CV available here

Prof. F. Graziotti: official webpage and CV available here