Risk Emergency Management and Legislation
Curriculum: ROSE + HYRIS
Term: 2ndyear, 2nd semester
Syllabus: available here
CFU: 3
Duration: available here
Schedule: available here
Office hours: by appointment
The course aims at presenting and analyzing, in a comparative and international perspective, the role of legal rules and institutions in the context of disaster risk prevention, mitigation, transfer and financing. Topics to be covered include: identification of the main institutional actors; the impact of law on catastrophic risk management across the world; international principles, standards, directives and guidelines developed in the recent years; legal and policy implications of disaster risk financing for governments; public-private initiatives to cover the cost of extreme risks and catastrophe insurance schemes implemented in different jurisdictions; the role of taxation and fiscal policies; capital market solutions as alternative risk transfer (ART) tools.
The course will be divided into lectures and practice hours, organized as follow: lessons will define the general framework and provide the basic concepts; practice hours will focus on specific topics and will require active participation of the attendees.
- Introduction: the human component of disasters and the role of law
- Industrial accidents, liability rules and risk management tools
- A comparative approach to disaster laws across the world
- Emergency response: the role of civil protection mechanisms
- Disaster risk financing and transfer tools
- Taxation and fiscal policies
- Case studies
There are no specific requirements.
- D.A. Farber et al., Disaster Law and Policy, 2nd ed., Aspen Publisher, 2010.
- S. Shavell, Economics and liability for accidents, New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, 2008, Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 535, 2005.
- S. Moratti, The role of taxation in climate related disaster risk management policies, in Rivista di diritto finanziario e scienza delle finanze, 3, 2018, 354
- P. Pistone, E. Traversa, European fiscal and tax policies for damaged areas: the European legal framework of reference, in Tax implications of natural disaster and pollution, Wolters Kluwer, 2015, 15.
- Other course materials will be made available during the class time.
Assignments will be handed over during the course. The final examination will consist in a written test.
Instructors: Prof. Lydia Velliscig